Getting the Most From Your Pledge
Here are tips and recommendations for how to effectively use the Project Pledge:
Pledge what areas of circular exhibition/theatre set development which you will commit to.
- Your Pledge should motivate the team towards achieving a goal.
- Before deciding on your Pledge commitments take the time (with your team) to think about what you want to achieve (your circularity goals).
- If your goal is big or there are several areas of commitment, break it down.
1. Identify opportunities and barriers.
- Consider what opportunities can help you succeed in your pledge.
- Consider what barriers may get in the way—and how you may overcome them. If you cannot, then maybe that specific Pledge item is not reasonable at this time.
- Before deciding on your Pledge commitments take the time (with your team) to think about what you want to achieve (your circularity goals).
- If your goal is big or there are several areas of commitment, break it down.
2. Everyone signs on
- We encourage this Pledge to be signed by the project manager and all members of the project team, and we encourage you to make this Pledge at your project kick-off, and revisit this Pledge as the team progresses through the project to check-in that the team is integrating these commitments into the project.
3. Prepare
- Think about what project members need to do to succeed in this Pledge. Start to get a bit more specific (e.g. where will you source used lumber?)
- Schedule enough time for key Pledge commitments (such as enough time to build for disassembly, and sufficient time for disassembly instead of demolition).
4. Track and communicate
- How will you ensure the project team sticks to the Pledge commitments as the project continues? Review your Pledge commitments regularly.
- How will you check in on progress and address barriers encountered (if any)?
- How will you share your Pledge commitments and your success with the project team, and beyond – to senior leadership, visitors/patrons to the exhibitions and theatre events?
5. Leverage the Project Pledge
- Use your Project Pledge to guide discussions with external service providers, such as designers or fabricators. Is there language from the Pledge you want to use in your RPFs or contracts? (Note, we also offer template contract language)
- Use your Project Pledge to apply for funding, sponsors or for awards for your exhibition or stage set.
6. Debrief & celebrate
- Ideally meet or engage with the project team to debrief your Pledge circular commitments and outcomes. What worked? What can be improved?
- Use this review to guide future Pledges and circular planning of your next staged environment. Build on your success.
- It is important to acknowledge your Pledge success. You may also consider incentives and rewards for those participating (this could be built into contracts for external contractors to incentivize their commitment to Pledge outcomes).
We hope The SAGE Pledge will serve as both inspiration and as a roadmap for your success.