Organization Pledge
Please fill in your organization name, add the digital signature from a senior leader, and post publicly on your website and/or display it at your museum, gallery or theatre.
Pledge Template
[insert name of organization]
Our SAGE Pledge for Circularity
in our exhibition/theatre set development
We pledge to integrate circularity principles into development of our exhibitions/theatre sets. We commit to engaging our team in pursuit of the 5Rs of circularity: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recirculate.
With a circular approach to the production of our exhibitions/theatre sets we will reduce and eliminate waste and the associated greenhouse gas emissions.
This is our commitment.
[Signed by senior leader]
Download the Pledge
For Museums and Galleries
Add your organization’s name and the digital signature of a senior leader
Theatres and Theatre Producers
Add your organization’s name and the digital signature of a senior leader